VIP Class Notes (David)


1. Watch The Shawshank Redemption


Carrying out most important way of urban development -> Carrying out the most important way of urban development.

cannot access that part of competitions – cannot access that part of the competitions

I was learning New Concept English in elementary school. – I was using New Concept English textbooks in elementary school.

I can identify a good teaching material – I can identify [what’s] good teaching material.

Opportunities to speak in English – Opportunities to speak English

I don’t have racism against ____ – I am not racist against


data – already plural, no S

vocabularies – vocabulary, vocabulary words

homeworks – homework

connotation – the literal or contextual meaning of words

ex: Even though he might not have meant it that way, his words had a strong negative connotation.

overtly – outwardly obvious

ex: The child was overtly upset that he got the smallest piece of cake.

hate speech – overtly negatively racist words

demean – to put someone down; to speak or do something in a negative and disrespectful way

ex: Being told to stand in the corner while the other children played was very demeaning for Ted.

white supremacist; aryan – someone who believes that the white race is the strongest and best race


Genuinely – jen-you-in-ly

Decisions – make the C sharper

Regime – ruh-zjeem