VIP Class Notes (Cynthia) (S)


Onion – 洋葱
E.g – Please do not put onion into my dish.

Perfume – 香水
E.g – I do not like the smell of my mothers perfume.

Frying Pan – 锅
E.g – My sister burnt the frying pan last week.

Credit Card – 💳 信用卡
E.g – My father gave me credit card for my birthday.

Basket – 篮子
E.g- Our basket is filled with groceries.

Cashier – 收银台
E.g – There is a long line at the cashier.

Pocket – 口袋
E.g – I realize that there is a hole in my shirt pocket.

Speaking exercise

Mr Bean went to shopping. He got a card. And he shows the card to everyone. Then he seen the 香水 is very bad. Then he sees the toothbrush and he use the toothbrush to clean his teeth then put one toothbrush in his bag. He sees some knives. He use the first one to cut the potato, then he use another one to cut his potato. Then he buys the second one. After that he see a 锅,he puts his fish in the 锅. Then he buys it. Finally he buy the things but first people gets his card. So he wants too get back his card. But his hand is inside the first people hand. Then the first people went to the toilet. Then he finds Mr Bean.

Mr Bean went shopping. He got a credit card. And he shows the card to everyone/around. Then he sees some perfumehe does not like the smell. Then he sees the toothbrush and he uses the toothbrush to clean/brush his teeth. He then put one toothbrush into his basket. He sees some peeler. He use the first one to peel the potato, then he uses another one to peel his potato. He decides to buy the second one. After that he see a frying pan,he puts a fish in the frying pan. Then he buys it. Finally he goes to the cashier to pay. But the person in front of him took his card. So he wants too get back his card. But his hand got stuck in the persons pocket. Then the person went to the toilet. Then he finds Mr Bean.