VIP Class Notes (Cynthia) (S)

Speaking exercise

Mr Bean is hungry. He go to the restaurant to have dinner. The shop assistant give him a meat. He think the meat is raw. It’s not very good. He put the raw meat in the bread, in the cup of flowers, in the women’s bag and the musician trousers. And then the shop assistant come here and drop Mr Bean want have another place. And he said this is not very good and sit down on the new seat. And the shop assistant give him meat. He opens it and it’s the raw meat again.

Mr Bean is hungry. He goes to the restaurant to have dinner. The waiter gives him a plate of meat. He thinks that the meat is raw. And it doesn’t taste very good. He puts the raw meat into the bread, in the cup of flowers, in the women’s bag and the musician’s trousers. Later on, the waiter drops some plates on Mr Bean. Mr Bean wants to change table. And he said the service is not very good and sits down on the new seat. The waiter gives him a new plate of meat. He opens it and it’s the raw meat again.

The queen will come here. Next him is a person, he opens his mouth. Mr Bean sees him, he open his mouth together. And Mr Bean shake and bow and open his mouth. He think it’s very good. He feels his mouth is very not good. Next him a women, pull her shirt line and clean his teeth. And he shake and bow and open his mouth and make strange face. And then queen come, Mr Bean shake and bow, and knocks the queen down.

The queen will be visiting. Next to Mr Bean there is a person, and he opens his mouth. Mr Bean sees him doing that, he also opens his mouth together. Mr Bean shakes, bow and open his mouth. He thinks that it’s very good. He feels his mouth is very smelly. Next to him is a women, he pulls the thread of her shirt and uses it to clean his teeth. He then shake, bow and open his mouth and make strange faces. And then queen come, Mr Bean shake and bow, and knocks the queen down.


Weather – 天气
E.g – The weather is getting cold.

Heater – 热空调
E.g – During the winter I do not turn the heater off.

Musician – 音乐家
E.g – When I grow up I want to be a musician like my father.

Waiter – 男服务员
E.g – The waiter has very bad attitude.

Waitress – 女服务员
E.g – The waitress is always smiling when greeting guests.

Smelly – 臭
E.g – The rubbish area is very smelly.

Thread – 线
E.g- The thread from my zipper came off.

Floss – 磨牙
E.g – I floss my teeth after dinner everyday.