VIP Class Notes (Cynthia) (S)

Speaking exercise

To make a sushi, first you should make some sushi rice. You need to mix vinegar and oil into the rice. And then mix together. Next you should to make some vegetable (carrots and cucumber) or some meat (sausages, tuna or salmon). You can also put some mayonnaise or some eggs.  Then you should place rice on the seaweed. Finally you can roll the sushi.

To make a sushi, first you need to make some sushi rice. You need to mix vinegar and oil into the rice. And then mix together. Next you should prepare some vegetables (carrots and cucumber) or some meat (sausages, tuna or salmon). You can also put some mayonnaise or some sliced eggs.  Then you place the rice on top of the seaweed on a sushi mat. Finally you roll the sushi. And it is ready to be eaten!


Seaweed – 紫菜
E.g- I like eating seaweed as a snack.

Roll – 圈
E.g – I am learning to make some sushi rolls tonight.

Vinegar – 醋
E.g – I like to put a lot of vinegar when I eat dumplings.

Cucumber – 黄瓜
E.g – During summer, I eat a lot of cucumber to cool my body down.

Sausages – 香肠
E.g – I eat bacon, eggs and sausages for breakfast every morning.


Mayonnaise –  /ˈmeɪ.ə.neɪz/