VIP Class Notes (Cynthia)


Indoors – 室内.Inside
E.g – Come indoors, it is very cold outside.

Outdoors -户外. Outside
E.g – If the weather is good, lets have lunch outdoors.

Excited – 兴奋. Feeling very happy/enthusiastic.
E.g – I am excited to see my sister next week.

Dark – 黑暗. Somewhere with no light or very little light.
E.g – It was too dark to see anything.

Strength – 力气. The ability to do something with a lot of physical effort.
E.g – I do not have enough strength to lift this table up.

Actor – 演员.
E.g – Who is your favorite actor?

Actress – 女演员.
E.g – Zhang Ziyi is my favorite actress.

Convenient – 方便