VIP Class Notes (Cynthia) [W]


Transform – 变形. To change into something else.
E.g – That man manage to transform into a werewolf.

Drill – 钻机. A tool or machine that makes holes.
E.g – I do not like the sound of the dentist drill.

Sword – 刀

picture of sword E.g – I lost my toy sword at the playground.

Printer – 打印机.
E.g – My dad bought a new printer today.

Mirror – 镜子.
E.g – My mum broke the bathroom mirror this morning.

Rubbish bin – 垃圾桶. Somewhere for you to dispose your thrash.
E.g – The rubbish bin is full, I need to empty it.

Hexagon – Shape with 6 sides.
picture of hexagon

Pentagon – Shape with 5 sides.

picture of pentagon

Octagon – Shapes with 8 sides
See the source image

Writing exercise

Have a bath.
In the morning, Sam’s dog run in the grass, and he run very fast, he careless tread in the mud, he is very sad. Sam walk out house, and he see dog is very dirt. He says ” I can give you a bath”. So Sam take a big bucket and he pours water in the bucker, he takes dog in the bucket and he uses soap put on the dog and wash. Slowly, water is change suds. Last, Sam use clean water grasp dog dry and he stroke the dog. He says ” dog dog are you good.”? Dog says “wolf wolf”. Sam is vey very like he’s dog.

Have a bath.
This morning, Sam’s dog accidentally ran in the grass, and he ran very fast. He carelessly treaded in the mud and he got very sad. Sam walked out the house, and he see that the dog is very dirty. He says ” I can give you a bath”. So Sam takes out a big bucket and he pours water in the bucket, he puts the dog in the bucket and he uses soap and apply it on the dog and wash. Slowly, water changed into suds. Lastly, Sam uses clean water and wipe the dog dry and he stroked the dog. He asked ” dog dog are you good.”? Dog barkswoof woof“. Sam really likes his dog.