VIP Class Notes (Celeste) [W]


I went to the gym.

a little cold = my body is cold

I have a cold / I have a little cold = I am a little sick 

these / those = more than one thing

this / that = only 1 thing

( . ) = period [peeer ee id ] punto

( , ) = comma

Writing exercise

I like Shanghai because despite being a big city is very calm, and the education for the safety is important, I feel safe in Shanghai, And comparing this city with other cities for example with Bogota in Columbia, Shanghai have 26 million people and Bogotá have 8 million, but Bogotá not is safe like a Shanghai. also something that I like about this city or of China in general is that have a lot of awesome temples.
What I don´t like Shanghai?
although Shanghai have more education for safety, the education for other things not exist, like a civil education which is to help other persons when really need, for example: give the seat a people ancient in the subway, help ancient when bring heavy things, when an accident happen, not eat with an open mouth, etc. but I think this things aren’t important which is safe.

I like Shanghai because despite being a big city it is very calm, and education for safety and security is important. I feel safe in Shanghai because comparing this city with other cities for example, with Bogota in Columbia, I can walk down the street late at night in Shanghai but I cannot do this in Bogota. Shanghai has 26 million people and Bogotá has 8 million, but Bogotá is not safe like Shanghai. Also something that I like about China in general is that it has a lot of awesome temples. For me, they are awesome because of the architecture/structure and in Columbia there aren’t any temples, just churches.  
What do I not like about/in Shanghai?
Although Shanghai has more education for safety and security, the education for other things does not exist. Like manners for example, help other people when they really need,  give up/away your seat to elderly people in the subway, help elderly people when they carry heavy things, help when an accident happens, do not eat with an open mouth, / chew with your mouth closed, etc. I think these things aren’t as important like safety and security.


It has vs. They have 


safety ( safe Tee )

architecture ( arki tec chur )

elderly  ( L der Lee )

chew ( choo )