VIP Class Notes (Celeste) [R/S]


Copy the last paragraph of your speaking exercise and correct your grammar. Upload it as an email service. 


with  – put your hand in front of your mouth to feel the air coming out when you say “th”

environment ( N VAI ern mint )

happened ( hap pind )

nature ( NAY cher ) vs. natural ( nah cher ull )


I just want to relieve myself. = In the US, people would think you need to go to the bathroom/washroom if you say this.

I just want to relax. 

Judy told me you want to go to the US for a week.

Speaking exercise

Tell a summary of the new article below or tell a story about your hair in your next class.

An 18 years old student is suing the government for about the school rules. She couldn’t dye her hair with a different color and the school told her dye black. It hurt her skin and her hair is damaged. And her psycholog is collapse. She want to suing monies for herself and her family. I couldn’t believe it can happen in Japan. It’s also happened in China because the high school student cannot dye their hair.

I had dyed my hair flaxen when I went to the university at 17 but it’s very strange when I looked at myself in the millor. But my parents and classmate like that color. So, after 1 month, I adapt it but it like a foreigner but they think it’s fashionable than before and my skin is lighter than before. Then I dyed my hair once a year with different colors. brown, flaxen, and yellow. Every color… When I dyed my hair with another color it’s also very strange when I look at the mirror.


An 18 year old student is suing the government about her school rules because she couldn’t keep her natural hair color and the school told her to dye it black. It hurt her skin and damaged her hair which also caused her psychological damage. She wants to sue the government and school for money for herself and her family. I couldn’t believe this could happen in Japan. This has also happened in China because a/one high school student couldn’t dye their hair.

I had dyed my hair light brown /flaxen


when I went to the university at 17 but it’s very strange when I looked at myself in the millor. But my parents and classmate like that color. So, after 1 month, I adapt it but it like a foreigner but they think it’s fashionable than before and my skin is lighter than before. Then I dyed my hair once a year with different colors. brown, flaxen, and yellow. Every color… When I dyed my hair with another color it’s also very strange when I look at the mirror.


Japanese School Forces Girl to Dye Hair Black

An 18-year-old student is suing her local government after her school told her to dye her hair black. The third-year student attended a high school east of Osaka, Japan. She had naturally brown hair, but her school told her many times to dye it black to follow the school’s rules. The ‘Mainichi’ newspaper reported that school staff told the girl to dye her hair every one to two weeks. This changed to once every four days. The girl’s mother said her daughter got a rash on her head and that her hair was damaged. The girl also suffered from a lot of stress at school.

The student is suing for $20,000 in damages. She told the court that the school bullied her for three years and that the school would not accept her hair colour was natural. She was banned from school trips and festivals because of her brown hair. She explained that teachers said things to her in front of the class that embarrassed her. This caused her psychological damage. She said that a teacher told her that she should not come to school with brown hair. The girl said that she was so stressed one day that she collapsed. She had to go to the hospital by ambulance.