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10 high-paying jobs you didn’t know existed

Everyone knows what a doctor or chiropractor does, but have you ever heard of an ayurveda healer or a hippotherapist? If you’re scratching your head, there’s a reason. These jobs aren’t common, but they’re real and can pay quite well.
Click through to discover odd but lucrative careers you never knew existed.

Feng Shui Consultant

Estimated pay: $20,000 to $250,000
Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice that combines philosophy, science and art. If you have a strong energy and want to help others find balance, consider this career.
Feng shui consultants visit clients’ homes and offices to bring harmony and organization to the spaces by identifying ways to arrange belongings according to feng shui traditions.
Many online certification programs provide a path to this career. Those who charge a higher hourly rate and work with wealthy clients and celebrities have the highest earning potential — in the six figures.
Veterinarian Acupuncturist

Acupuncture is not just for humans, as some veterinarians are licensed acupuncturists for pets. These professionals must complete veterinary school before obtaining acupuncturist certification. The median pay for the veterinarian profession is $88,770, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.
Veterinary acupuncturists insert small needles into specific areas of an animal’s body to stimulate nerve activity, relieve pain or increase circulation. Animals that perform competitively might undergo this as a maintenance procedure, but acupuncture can also be used to treat arthritis, muscle injuries, paralysis and neurologic disorders in animals.

Certified Ethical Hacker

Average pay: $67,098
A hippotherapist works in hippotherapy, which incorporates working with horses into patients’ treatment plans. The name originates from the Latin word “hippo,” or horse.
Caring for horses and horseback riding are highly beneficial for a multitude of conditions, including physical, occupational and psychological. Hippotherapy is a growing field, according to Monster. More therapists are using this practice to build confidence and strength in their patients.


Average pay: $67,098
A hippotherapist works in hippotherapy, which incorporates working with horses into patients’ treatment plans. The name originates from the Latin word “hippo,” or horse.
Caring for horses and horseback riding are highly beneficial for a multitude of conditions, including physical, occupational and psychological. Hippotherapy is a growing field, according to Monster. More therapists are using this practice to build confidence and strength in their patients.

Ice Cream Taster

Estimated pay: $40,000 to $100,000
Do you have a tub of ice cream in your freezer? Chances are you didn’t know that someone is getting paid big bucks to taste-test the frozen flavor before it hits the market.
An ice cream taster can be known by other titles such as taste master, food scientist or flavorologist. The schedule for these tasters can be demanding, according to PayScale. A taster might have to test sample after sample and assess the ice cream on appearance, smell, taste and texture.
The average pay for a food scientist is $60,000, but generally ice cream tasters make between $40,000 and $100,000. Landing the job requires that your taste buds be in tip-top condition.

Golf Ball Diver

Estimated pay: Up to $150,000 if diving full time
If you’re willing to take the plunge, you could make thousands of dollars by diving for golf balls.
A dedicated golf ball diver could make up to $150,000, according to CNN. On average, a golf ball diver can find about 5,000 balls in a single lake dive and sell them for 75 cents apiece. Just think about cashing in on that treasure time and time again. Depending on how many lakes you hit up, this odd job has potential to be quite lucrative.
It’s not without risk, of course, as some lakes are home to alligators or water moccasins. So ask yourself: Are you brave enough to take the risk?