VIP Class Notes (Celeste)


Writing ideas:

a review about your hotel / spa visit / restaurants…
diary entry about your trip.

Try to use the vocabulary below. 


half of the people are  visitors / tourists / vacationers, the other half are Vietnamese / locals

lime/s n. – green lemon

take what you want / use what you need 

bargain v. – to try to make someone agree to give you something that is better for you, such as a better price

tiptoe v. – to walk on your toes with the heel of your foot lifted off the ground

spa service/s or treatment/s n. – at a spa you can choose from facials, massages, steam rooms, body scrubs


I do sth more 
eg. I understand Vietnam more after my trip.

I like sth/sb more
eg. I like Vietnam more.


powder ( pao dir )