VIP Class Notes (Celeste)

Needs more review

How late do yo usually stay up? / Do you ever stay up late?
Do you ever get to sleep in?


seeing vs. singing 

musicians ( mew zih shins )

courageous ( ker – ray – jiss )

virtual ( vir – chU  ull )

done ( dun )


accommodating adj. – used to describe a person who is eager or willing to help other people, for example by changing his or her plans / kind and helpful
eg. You are very accommodating.

fake it until you make it = expression meaning try to do sth or feel sth until you are successful
(fake it until you make it until you become it)

street performer/s n. – a person who sings, dances, does magic, plays an instrument on the street

stardom – fame and fortune
eg. Street performers hope for stardom if a video of their performance goes viral on the internet. They hope to be discovered (by a talent manager or some talent agency).

bold / brave / courageous / confident / free-spirited /open vs. shamed / ashamed (feeling) / embarrassed