VIP Class Notes (Ally)[S/W]


Make sentences with the new words

Prepare to talk about Australia next time. (You don’t have to write anything. Think about what you did there, what you like, what you don’t like, food, events, who did you go with …. etc.)


sticker: tie zhi

tattoo: wen shen

regret: hou hui

eyebrow: mei mao

eyeshadow: yan ying

eyeliner: yan xian

eyelashes: jie mao

cocktails: ji wei jiu

girly/sissy: niang

bottle: ping

pick up/drop off: jie/song

bother: da rao

shake your head: yao tou

nod: dian tou

member: cheng yuan

champion/first place: guan jun

championship: guan jun sai
ie. This year, the LOL championship is in SH.

good-looking: (adj)
ie. He is good-looking.
ie. He looks good. (SVO)

useless: meiyou yong
ie. Lily’s Yao is useless.

yard: yuan zi

in person: face to face

bookshelf: shu gui

globe: di qiu
ie. I have internet friends across(穿过) the globe.

board:板 (surf board/skateboard/snowboard/bulletin board)


dictionary: 字典


pop up (verb): mao chu lai
ie. I haven’t talked to him in a long time but he popped up suddenly.
ie. There’s a new Prada pop-up store.


in front of/in the front of:
ie. I am in front of the line. 我在队列前面 (不在队列里面)
ie. I am in the front of the line. 我在队列靠前位置 (第一位)

ie. I will stand behind you even if you do something wrong.
ie. It’s behind this door.

across: dui mian
ie. There is a pop-up store across the street.

on/on top of
ie. I put a lid (gai zi) on top of the cup.

under: 下面
ie. There is a pair of shoes under the desk.
ie. I’m underage.

inside/outside = in
ie. There is a pair of shoes inside the box.

indoors/outdoors = 室内/室外
ie. I like skiing/snowboarding indoors/I like indoor (as adj, no s) skiing.
ie. I don’t like the outdoors (n)

“turns out” = 原来
ie. It turns out that + sentence…

jealous +that + sentence
ie. I’m jealous that she met XZQ.

jealous+ of + noun
ie. I’m jealous of her./of her meeting(n) with XZQ.

of =de
ie. Map of China

for+ time = 内
ie. for a year – > 在一年内

Speaking exercise

“You don’t have a computer, right?” (NO sentences)
Yes -> No, I don’t

My highest is 52 stars.

..But I like pretty champions too.

“how often?”
In SQ, we play cards every weekend. 

I know them so well(adv).

Writing exercise

My exam marks is not good.
Tell me date place.
I often forget to tell my mom I‘m home.
I admit xzq is my husband.
Sometimes I like drinking at weekend.
I jealous her is very thin.
I like this but I can‘t afford this.
XZQ’s concert is very funny.
I think this thing is too fun.
My mum is very busy at weekend.
This is an annoying for her.
Black pink is famous in the China.
I was born in 2001 at the jiangsu suqian.
I wish is to go to the concert.
Can I scan your QR code?
I want to spell a lot of words.
The police station looks cool.
My grandma like plants.
Sometimes I often play cards with my friends.


My exam marks are not good.
Tell me the place of the date.
I often forget to tell my mom I‘m home. (我在家)I got home。(我到家了)
I admit xzq is my husband.
Sometimes I like drinking at weekends/on the weekend.
I am jealous that she is very thin./I’m jealous of her body shape.
I like this bottle of whisky but I can‘t afford it.
XZQ’s concert is very funny.
I think studying with Ally is(verb) too fun.
My mum is very busy at/on weekends.
This is annoying(adj) for her./My mom is annoyed.
ie. My brother and sister are annoying.
ie. My mom is annoyed (feeling) by my annoying brother and sister.
Black pink is famous in China.
I was born in 2001 in Suqian, JS.
My wish(noun) is(v) to go to the concert./I wish to go(v) to the concert.
Can I scan your QR code?
I want to study/learn/know (v) how to spell a lot of words.(n)/the spelling(n) of lots of words.
The police station looks cool.
My grandma likes plants./ likes planting flowers and vegetables, such as cucumbers and tomatoes.
Sometimes I play cards with my friends.
I often play cards with my friends.