VIP Class Notes (Ally)[S/W]


bald: tu tou (adj)
ie. You will become bald/go bald if you keep messing around with your hair.
ie. …. unless you stop messing around with your hair.

supposed to: according to plan/schedule/ should
ie. Ally is supposed to work on Thursdays but she’s absent (for talking to boss/or school)today./not here today.

absent-minded (adj): xin bu zai yan
ie. Today Ally keeps talking/chatting absent-mindedly.
ie. An absent-minded (adj) Ally just kept going on and on.

brainstorm (v): think of ideas / idea-mapping
ie. Brainstorming is important to/for writing formal documents.
ie. … is an important step to writing formal documents.
ie. Brainstorming is important before writing…

brainless(adj): wu nao
ie. He is a brainless idiot so just break up with him already.

confident(adj): zi xin (n)confidence
ie. Mavis should be more confident when she speaks English.
ie. Mavis needs more confidence when she speaks English.
ie. Mavis should speak English with more confidence.

credit(n): gong lao
ie. I did all the work but my boss gave her all the credit.
ie. She took the credit for my hard work.
ie. I won’t give her all the credit because/since/as I have been working on this project for days.

keep her company: pei ban
ie. Ally came to SH to keep Lily company.
ie. My mother kept me company when I was sick.
ie. I’m not very good company these days because I’m feeling blue/down myself.

accompany: pei (for event)
ie. Would you like to accompany me to my family dinner?

discipline (v): guan jiao (n) ji lv
ie. You should not discipline your children in public.
ie. The army has very strict disciplines.


some: only “yi xie” when counting
ie. I buy some bread. I see some children.

in + idea/concept
at+specific location
ie. I’m in the hospital. -> I’m sick
ie. I’m at the hospital. -> I’m there (maybe to visit a friend?)

“you don’t give yourself enough credit”  = You’re better than you think

“correct(v) me if I’m wrong” = I’m going to say something that might be wrong

Speaking exercise

My work was my goal in my life before but now it became my biggest obstacle.
My work used to be/was my goal in life but now it has become my biggest obstacle. 

Q: Tell me about someone who’s important in your life.
A: My best friend who is a beautiful and rich girl. She is a three years old younger than me. I met her at a class about psychology. In the year of last year, I divorced and she accompanied me for a long time. We always talked about some events in our daily lives. In those days, she supported me. So I think she is the important person for me.

A: My best friend is a beautiful and rich girl./My best friend, who is a beautiful and rich girl, is an important person for me./an important person in my life/is important to me. She is three years younger than I am. I met her in a class about psychology. In the year before last year, I divorced(v) my ex-husband/I got a divorce(n)/I got divorced and she kept me company for a long time. We always talked about (the) events in our daily lives. In those days, she supported me/she was always there for me. So I think she is the important person for me. 

Writing exercise

The theme for a homework this week is talking about someone I admire. When I was doing the homework, I thought about it all afternoon. I’m sorry that I don’t have anyone to admire, because I always think no one is perfect. I can find both advantages and disadvantages in different persons. I use their advantages as a model for learning, while their disadvantages as a warning. For example, I learn self-discipline(look up) and concentration from one of my friends, and I learn social skills from another.I reflect on (look up)whether I have the same problems through someone’s disadvantages. So there’s no one I admire.

The theme for the/my homework this week is talking about someone I admire. When I was working on this topic, I kept thinking all afternoon. It’s unfortunate that/I’m sorry that I don’t have anyone to admire, because I think/imo, no one is perfect. I can find both strengths and weaknesses/ advantages and disadvantages in everybody. I use their advantages/strengths as a role model/gold standard for learning, while I use/and their disadvantages/weaknesses as a warning. For example, I learned self-discipline(look up) and concentration from one of my friends, and I learned social skills from another. I use my knowledge of them to my advantage. I reflect on (look up) whether I have the same problems through someone else’s disadvantages. So there’s no one I admire.


admire: ad+my+er

advantage: ad+van+tage, not adventage

obstacle = ob+ste+cal

brainless= brane+less