VIP Class Notes (Ally)[S/W]


Write about what you do in one game of GOP. What should you be careful of? What kind of players do you hate?


on sale: 打折

a good deal: 很划算
ie. The skin is on sale so it’s a very good deal.

equipment:  装备,设备
ie. You need lots of equipment to win in GOP.

impatient: 没有耐心的
ie. I am more impatient than my brother.

jealous: 嫉妒
ie. Ally is very jealous of me because I am VIP8 and she’s VIP7.

take turns: 轮流
ie. My brother and I take turns to play games/playing games.

search: 寻找
ie. Ally searched all the houses in P city and she didn’t find anything./found nothing.

worse: 更坏
ie. My brother is a worse player than me/I am.

ie. My brother is the worst player in the world.


“When” -> you can use words like “always, must…” or any word
“If” -> Cannot use the words “always, must…” … because their meanings are opposite

comparisons: 1. more than …  2. …est of
ie. My brother is taller than me.
ie. I am more impatient than my brother.
ie. My brother is the (because there’s only one) tallest of/in his class.
ie. TY is a stronger support than Yao.
– two things you compare must be the same
ie. GOK game time is shorter than game time of GOP.
ie. Lily’s hair is more yellow/lighter than Ally’s hair.
ie. Ally is most beautiful teacher in SE. (for long adjs, add “most”, not “est”)

Speaking exercise

“Are something on sale?”
“Is anything on sale?”
“No, nothing is on sale.”

He can see the TV and see me play…
He can watch TV and watch me play…

I can play games with him when we close the door and our parents don’t find out.

I die one time, he play.
We take turns playing games.

I think playing GOP needs luck. You need luck to play GOP.

My mom gives me one hour to play per day.
I have one hour of free time.

It can only use the …
We can only use … you can use …

Writing exercise

I like GOK more because play GOK we need good knowledge. But play GOP we need good equipment and good guns. If you don’t have good guns, you must die. And play one game of GOP time is longer than play GOP. And GOP is 30 minutes. Play GOK only need to 20 minutes.

I like GOK more because we need good knowledge to play GOK. But playing GOP we need good equipment and good guns. When/if you don’t have good guns, you always/will die. And one game time of GOP is longer than the game time of GOK. And the game time of GOP is 30 minutes. Playing GOK only needs to 20 minutes.