VIP Class Notes (Ally)[S]


hinder: 阻碍; 妨碍; 阻挡

humane/humanitarian: adj/concept

confrontation(n): chong tu

sexist: someone who discriminates based on sex (n/concept) sexism

deep-seated: deep-roated

please: satisfy

prenatal: (adj) before/during pregnancy

supplement: (n) bu chong or bao jian pin

take a toll: 产生负面影响; 造成损失; 产生严重的不良影响;

endanger: put something in danger

status quo: 1. original situation now  2. common situation


ie. Don’t marry men from GD or FJ.

stay-at-home mom

set sb off = ignite

Speaking exercise

My younger daughter is innately fascinated with food.

If I compare to her sister, her sister can play for hours without eating …
If I compare her to her sister/in comparison to her sister/compared to her sister…

She is get used to it…
She has gotten used to it…