VIP Class Notes (Ally)[S]

Today we focused on:


minimalistic: ji jian

lenient: kuan rong de <> strict
ie. Our office hours are very lenient.

courage: yong qi

conceited: zi da, stuck-up

accountability: responsibility for sth

initiative: ji ji xing (n)

oversee: supervise

entry-level: lowest level


will: specific future tense : you know this will happen
ie. I will wear this red dress to work tomorrow.

would: facts about you./ will in past tense
ie. I would wear this red dress for work.

some: not “yi xie”, for counting… how much?
ie. I buy some bread/you got some Team W T-SHIRTS/ I see some children..
ie. I do projects (<— generalized) for this company.

the: specific; things you know and I know
ie. An offline Team Wang store is opening soon. The store will feature……

Speaking exercise

We must confront our challenges with courage/courageously.
You must confront/have a confrontation Judy, no matter how pleasant it is.

objective-driven… objective-oriented

A: My biggest strength is that I like challenge and I will feel very excited when I get some projects which is very difficult for other people to finish, but I will feel very excited to have this kind of project…From my perspective, the routine daily work is very boring for me. I will try my best to make everything to be perfect to meet the requirement of the supervisors. Actually another strength for me is I think I’m a very creativity person and always have some idea come out from my mind. Always I will write them down and review sometimes, maybe some ideas can apply for the client and help the client to drive the business.

A: My biggest strength is that I like challenges. I would/always/would always feel very excited when I get projects which are very difficult for other people to finish. I would achieve accomplishment when I finish the projects./So when others may feel troubled or tired, I actually feel glad for these challenges and I would achieve a sense of accomplishment/satisfaction when I finish./Even though I know the process would be very tough, but based on my previous experience, I know from experience that there would be excitement waiting for me at the finish line.  From my perspective, routine daily work is very boring. I would try my best to make everything perfect to meet the requirement of my supervisors/my requirements.  Also, I think I’m a very creative and imaginative person/person with lots of creativity and imagination and I always have ideas pop out/pop up in my mind/head. I would always write them down/make records and sometimes review them to myself. Often, I find that some of these ideas can apply to my clients and help them promote business/drive sales. 

Q: What’s your biggest weakness/imperfection?
A: I am not a patient person but I always control myself/I’m always under control and try my best to be patient with my team members and my clients. I feel good/ I don’t feel bad that I have to control myself. I give very simple request to my team members… I think it’s very simple but when they give me the finished proposal, I even feel they didn’t use their brain to think deeply. I think they don’t have ownership. They didn’t put some efforts to think about it. I will look back to my previous times when I was a very junior level person, I always try my best to meet my boss requirements. I don’t know what happened to the new generation. One of my team members is a boy and he is not young.. only younger than me one year old, but I’m his supervisor. I don’t know what happened to him. What he did best is only the execution part and I think he never use his mind and brain. They are some people graduated from the foreigner famous universities and they have the master degree so our company have a project for them and will cultivate them as management. They review time of them is half year, more shorter than regular college. They are smart than their peers.

A: I am not a patient person but I always control myself/I’m always under control and try my best to be patient with my team members and my clients. I feel good/ I don’t feel bad that I have to control myself./Having to control myself doesn’t me feel bad; I actually feel mature and accomplished. At work, I give requests that are very simple to me but when my team members give me the finished proposal/work, I feel they didn’t even use their brain at all. I think they don’t show any accountability or initiative. They didn’t put any efforts to think about my requests/what I required. I would look back to my previous time/ when I first entered the company as a very junior level employee, I always tried my best to meet my boss’s requirements. I don’t know what happened to the new generation. One of my team members is a boy and even though he is not young.. only one year younger than I am, I’m his supervisor. I don’t know what happened to him. He is only good at execution/The only part he can do well is execution and I think he never uses his mind and brain./I question the existence of his brain. Some of my team members graduated from famous foreign universities  with the master’s degree so our company has a project for them and will cultivate them as management team. The review time for them is half a year, shorter than regular colleges. They are smarter than their peers.

It’s not a must-have/necessity/requirement but a nice-to-have/an advantage.

I don’t think they got/acquired useful skills or knowledges within such a short time.

I would tell them when I was in your position/doing your job, I would …
I would tell them, from experience of working in their position before, how to finish the job, how to communicate with clients… etc.