VIP Class Notes (Ally)[S]


complacent: (adj) happy with where you are, don’t want try hard in life (n) complacency

antonym (n): word with opposite meaning

synonym (n): word with similar meaning

Speaking exercise

Q: Tell me about someone famous that you like.

A: Mark Zuckerburg founded FB when he was a college student, which was very impressive. The time I knew him was in sophomore year. At that time I was so fascinated by the startup launchers. At that time, there was a … picture him in a dramatic way. It turns out most of the things in that movie was fake. It kind of brought the adventure to me. I regard this movie and person as the mentor to me in terms of startup and venture capitalism. Amazing thing about Mark is that he’s not only a lucky kid who created a billion-dollar company when he was just in the early twenties, he is also a star in terms of self-improvement and growth. He grow himself from a college student to a sophisticated, self-educated business leader. I don’t admire him because he founded face book, I admire him because he could grow himself into a strong leadership, even though he turns out to be the youngest person in the leadership of FB.

A: Mark Zuckerburg founded FB when he was a college student, which was very impressive/ a very impressive feat. The time when I first heard about/learned about him was in my sophomore year./ I have known about him since sophomore year. At that time I was so fascinated by the startup adventures. At that time, there was a … picture/represent/illustrate him in a dramatic way. It turns out most of the things in that movie was fake/fabricated/fictional. It kind of brought the adventure to me. I regard this movie and person as my mentor in terms of startup and venture capitalism. The only illustrate/captures part of his personality/persona. The amazing thing about Mark is that he’s not only a lucky kid who created a billion-dollar company in his early twenties/ when he was just in his early twenties, he is also a rock star in terms of self-improvement and growth. Through lots of hard work and even more natural talent, the college geek eventually grew into a sophisticated, self-educated business leader. I don’t admire him because he founded facebook, I admire him because he has developed/acquired a strong leadership ability, even though he turned out to be the youngest person in the leadership team of FB.


minions = mi+nee+ens

said = sed


adventure = not advanture

famous = fame+es

autobiography = no “r” sound except “ra”

illustrate = no “r” in the middle

kind = KI+and , not kand or kend

build = bill+ed

admire: ad+my+er

estate: e

stereotypical: sti+e+real+ti+pi+cal

deadbeat= ded+beet


credit = short “e”

master: open your mouth wider “a”

hierarchical: high+er+ar+ki+kal

pause: paul+z

exaggerate = exa+jer+rate

under: not ander, un+der




micro macro