VIP Class Notes (Ally)[S]


powdered milk: nai fen (for adults)

baby formula: nai fen (for babies)

hobos : liu lang han

tons: a lot

exemplary: can be set as example

ecstatic: very very happy

ecstasy: n of ecstatic

faith: xin yang (used widely)
ie. I have faith in Janice that she will do better next time. (I believe in Janice)
ie. Have some faith. It’ll all work out.
ie. He is a man of faith. (he’s religious)

genuinely: zhen cheng de

white trash: white people without jobs, have tattoos, always alcoholic, usually drug-addicts, live in trailers


respected: already has respect, well-known, good reputation
respectable: exemplary, model behavior

pleasantly surprised < impressed

Speaking exercise

She has respect for the elderly./She treats the elderly with respect.
She respects (v) the elderly.
She is respectful to/towards the elderly.

He is a respected/respectable professor.

This book is fiction/is a fiction, whereas/while …

Ally is pleasantly surprised by/at Janice’s spectacular performance in sentence-making./spectacular sentence-making performance.
….. made Ally pleasantly surprised.

When I walk in the gorgeous/extravagant/ room, I found/noticed a very particular presence.

After my neighbor’s husband cheated on her with a gold-digger, she went cuckoo.

I should have a say/voice in this.

The narrative on the news is anti-Trump.

pro-life(against abortion) vs pro-choice (for abortion)