VIP Class Notes (Ally)[S]


heritage:  yi chan for culture
ie. I’m very proud of my Chinese heritage.

inheritance: (n)yi chan for money and other good things
ie. He will give his son a large inheritance.

forego: fang qi
ie. I want to forego the outdated system.

essentially: basically, at the root
ie. They may look different but they are essentially the same.

at ease: comfortable
ie. I’m more at ease when I speak English.

Chinese character: zi
ie. I can’t write the Chinese characters.

uprising: (n) 起义
ie. There was an uprising in the US over police misconduct.

put into question: question (v)
ie. I have to put into question your authority.

bipartisan: federal and governors
ie. The US. govt is bipartisan.

pursuit: n of pursue
ie. The US Constitution is based on Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

liberate: 解放
ie. On his twitter, Trump tweeted “LIBERATE MINNESOTA” and “CHINA!”


I don’t think other people would want to slow down for you.

Do you have a preference?
– Yes, I have a preference.
– No, I don’t care.

Speaking exercise


-than other teachers

Australian accent/He can be understood more easily.
Australian is easier to understand. (for me.. for Chinese people)
I can understand him more easily.


Southern : Su-thern


says – sez