VIP Class Notes (Ally)[S]


tiles: pai

checklist: list of items

working progress: it takes some time to see the effects

play dumb: act like she doesn’t know what’s going on

feeble: cang bai , weak

psychoanalyze: 心理分析

perks: benefits

coy: xiu da da , cute


When you have a verb, do not use “to be” in front of it – present simple tense already = fact/description
ie. My dad freaks out a lot.
ie. My client is trusts me -> my client trusts me

Speaking exercise

she pays the bill
she gets the bill/cheque
she treats me
it’s her treat

this team member is not directly report to me
this team member doesn’t directly report to me

maybe just finished her university
she’s just a fresh grad

even you make a simple mistake, she doesn’t want to change it by herself.
even if you just make a simple mistake, she doesn’t want to change it by herself.

If I have some work hasn’t been finished
If I have some work that hasn’t been finished…

Is this your first time to be a sales?|
Is this your first time being a sales?

If I’m aggressive, I have confidence that I will get promoted next year.
If I act more aggressively/take more action, I have confidence that I will get promoted next year.

switch to video call
turn on my webcam