VIP Class Notes (Ally) [S]

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Review 2 classes of vocab


les(bian): gay (for woman)

hillbilly: 山区乡巴佬 (n)
ie. He looked like such a hillbilly.

tier: class 级; 阶; 层; 阶层; 等级
ie. SH is a first tier city.

aura: qi chang
ie. She has the aura of a rich girl.

vibe: feel
ie. I have bad vibes about this guy.
ie. She has a rich vibe.

character: ren pin

persona: ren she /伪装; 假象; 人格面具;

superior: (n) 级别(或地位、职位)更高的人; 上级; 上司;

ostentatious: 炫耀的; 卖弄的; 夸示的; 夸张的; 招摇的

plain: 不尚修饰的; 朴素的; 简单的

tasteful: you pin wei

tonality: 调性

remain: 仍然是; 保持不变;
ie. Please remain silent.

high-end: gao dang xian

haute couture: gao ding
ie. He is wearing haute couture.

spiritual: 精神的; 心灵de

budget: 预算

elite class:  jing ying class  (person) elitist


“steal the show”

Speaking exercise

When I look at them, I just found a bit of …

One person took a photo for us.

What you wear should match your financial/social status/your background. It should also match your vibe/persona.

Before when I was the boss of a company, I can choose to wear what I want.

But as a COO in a big company, I have a superior in our company, so I should wear something which will not bring strong personality to us.
But as a COO in a big company, I have a superior, so I should wear something less ostentatious./more plain.

I’m 8 years younger than her.

The tonality of the brand remains the same, but pieces/works should bring a different element of surprise every season.

The clients would value the spirit of the piece above the price.


plain = plane