VIP Class Notes (Ally) [S]


I don’t know how long does he need. As I know him, maybe a quite long time.
I don’t know how long he needs. According to what I know about his personality, maybe quite a long time./maybe a while.

Make sentences with the vocabulary


climate: qi hou

charity: ci shan
ie. He’s not your charity case. = You don’t have to help him or pity him.

severe my ties/cut my ties: stop contacting

false hope: an idea of hope for something impossible
ie. I don’t want to give you any false hope.

admit: cheng ren

drastic: big
ie. Take drastic measures. 采取严厉措施

beat up: da yi dun
ie. He might beat him up.

sensitive: mi gan de min rui de

observant: guan cha li hao
ie. Why are you so sensitive and observant?

kiss ass: pai ma pi

suspect: huai yi

reciprocal: between 2 people, back and forth

Speaking exercise

I don’t know either.
Me neither.

I don’t know how long does he need. As I know him, maybe a quite long time.
I don’t know how long he needs. According to what I know about his personality, maybe quite a long time./maybe a while.

Q: Tell me about your favorite book
A: For the recent year, my favorite book is “Stoner”. It’s the name of a guy and the book introduced a man named “Stoner” and from childhood to his death, the whole life of him. He has some huge changes in his life time. The comment said “The first sight is story. The second sight, the book is so classic. The third life, the book is life. The fourth sight, is yourself.” He’s a professor in college. He has a very traditional life. His wife has no job and takes over all the works of his home. She has a bad temper, so Stoner just cheated his wife and have another relationship with his student.


A: In the recent years, my favorite book is “Stoner”. It’s the name of a guy and the book described/talked about/is about a man named “Stoner” , his whole life from his childhood to his death. He had/went through some huge changes in his life time/life-changing events. The comment said “At first sight, the book is a story. At second sight, the book is a classic. At the 3rd sight, the book is life itself. At the fourth sight, the book is yourself.” He’s a professor in college/He’s a college professor. He has a very traditional life. His wife has no job and takes over all the housework. She has a bad temper, so Stoner just cheated on his wife and had another relationship with his student.

These things is very common in life.
These things happen a lot in real life.