VIP Class Notes (Ally)


Make sentences with today’s vocabulary to show that you know how to use them.


(over)protective of: careful of… always want to protect (adj)
ie. Sometimes, you need to be protective(adj) of your children. -> You need to protect your children.

self-centered: adj, different from “selfish”, put yourself first
ie. Elena wants to be more self-centered, because right now she puts others first.

occasion: special moment/day
ie. Today is a very special occasion.
ie. Occasionally, I take the subway.

ego: stature
ie. Ally has a huge ego. <— Ally is very proud, Ally likes it when people look up to her, she doesn’t do embarrassing things.

pressure: (v) make somebody do something
ie. Ally’s dad tried to pressure her into taking a job in Vancouver.

ditch: leave behind
ie. Elena ditched her husband to hang out with her girl friends.

“off the hook”: got away from a bad situation
ie. Ally is “off the hook” for now (not for long) because her dad is busy controlling her brother’s life.

micromanage:  control every little detail
ie. Chinese parents like to micromanage their children’s lives.


“correct me if I’m wrong, but …” – expression, what I’m saying may not be true, please tell me your opinion
ie. Correct me if I’m wrong, but having kids is the end of life itself. <– my own opinion

Speaking exercise

left from the church
left the church


position = PO + ZI + SHEN

peak = E   pick = i

leave = E   live =i

he’s = E   his=i  hess=e  has = a

being=be+ing  bean = E  bin=i  Ben=e ban=a


straighter= str+A+ter

d=d, not t