VIP Class Notes (Ally)[S]

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Watch a video in English. Write about your thoughts on it.


consequence: 后果
ie. His decision had/cost large consequences.
ie. Every decision that looks simple has bad consequences.

figure: 形象 印象 数字
ie. George Washington is a historical figure.
ie. My mom is a strong woman figure.
ie. The team tried their best, but the figures(numbers) are still not looking good.

self-discipline(noun): 自律
ie. I am a very self-disciplined person.
ie. I am a person with self-discipline.

discipline: 管教
ie. You should not discipline your children in public!

fair: bai, not a lot of pimples
ie. She has fair skin.

stuffy: men
ie. The room is very stuffy.

so far: 到这里,到这个程度
ie. So far, the dishes she cooked are the most delicious ones I’ve ever had.
ie. My progress so far has been slow.

addition: jia fa (common: in addition to …)
ie. She is a mother in addition to being a CEO./In addition to being a mother, she is also a CEO of a big company.

silver lining(noun): the good thing in a bad situation
ie. He has a genetic cholesterol problem so he has to go to the gym. But now he’s very fit. So I guess that’s the silver lining.
ie. There’s a silver lining in every bad situation.


“one” as a substitute word:
My perspective of Chinese people is a Western one.

ask me: Yao qiu wo
ie. My boss asked me to stay late.
ie. Ally asked me to use this word to make sentence/in a sentence.

let me: rang wo, give someone permission
ie. I won’t let you touch my guy!
ie. Ally didn’t let me go home until I finished my homework.

don’t use “travel”:  ie. I had a hard time traveling to Japan.
I will go on a trip to Japan.
I’m in Japan for holidays/on holiday.

on vs in vs during(time)
– on: specific dates. (On my birthday, On feb. 13th, On that day, On Friday…)
– in: month, year…(In oct, in 2019, in the evening..)
– during: time period (During my time as a professional gamer, during the concert..)

Speaking exercise

Q: Tell me about your favorite person.
A: My favorite is my mother, because she’s a very strong woman. She used to strict on me when I was a kid but she gave up on my education when I was in high school. She just ask me to choose my life by myself. I feel it is more responsibility in my life, and now I’m a responsible person. She looks very bright, looks like a Russian, because her eyes are very big. She was a traditional dancer when she was in high school so her body was very skinny.

My favorite person is my mother, because she’s a very strong woman/woman figure in my life. She used to be strict on me when I was a kid but she didn’t control/pressure me on my education when I was in high school. She let me choose how I want to live my life by myself. I feel I have more responsibility in my life, and now I’m an independent/self-disciplined person. She looks very bright, (almost) like a Russian, because her eyes are also very big. She was a traditional dancer when she was in high school so her body was very skinny. But now she has a little bit of a belly.

Q: Tell me about a favorite holiday.
A: My favorite holiday is the national holiday in October, because the weather in October is not very hot/is very comfortable; not too warm or too cold. And/What’s more, it is a very long holiday; we can take seven days off. we can take seven days off for national holidays. To add to my last point, Additionally, in addition, Another good thing about the national holidays is that The flights/plane tickets are not as expensive as they are during the Spring Festival./ very expensive, when you compare them with the prices during Spring Festival. So I can go to my hometown or go to South Korea to see/visit my parents for a cheaper price. The best national holiday in my life was last year’s (national holiday). I took almost fifteen days off. I went to South Korea and saw concerts with a small fan club based in SH. It was the most fantastic holiday in/of my life/that I have had so far.

A: My favorite holiday is the national holiday on October, because the weather on October is not very hot. And we can take seven days for national holidays. The flight tickets are not as expensive as Spring Festival. So I can go to my hometown or go to South Korea to meet my parents. The best national holiday in my life is last year. I took almost fifteen days for holidays. I went to South Korea and saw concerts. I went there with a small fan club in SH. It was a fantastic holidays in my life.