VIP Class Notes (Ally)[S/R]


psychology: study of the mind
ie. I majored in psychology in college.
ie. She has severe psychological/mental problems.

third-wheel: dian deng pao
ie. Lily is the third-wheel in our relationship of three.

startup (noun and adj): new company without a long history
ie. My company is not a startup, because it has been around/established for 5 five years.

in and out/on and off: æ–­æ–­ç»­ç»­çš„
ie. I exercise in the gym on and off.

weakest link:  worst part
ie. My weakest link in English is speaking.

evolve/evolution: jin hua
ie. The evolution of mankind has been traumatic for animals.
ie. The English language has evolved to what it is today.

tone(verb): shape
ie. Doing yoga can help us tone our muscles.

remedy(noun and verb): Jie Yao, something that can fix another thing
ie. A sad country song can remedy(v) my heartbreak.
ie. A sad country song is the perfect remedy(n) for a heartbreak.


The man who just graduated from Japanese university is my new boss.

ie. I don’t like running because running is too tiring.

because of +noun
ie. I don’t like running because of how tiring it is.

ing vs ed:
-ing: Lily is boring. (She is a person that makes others bored)
-ed: Lily is bored. (She has nothing to do now)

Speaking exercise

I’m graduated from SH Tech. University in 2012. So I have lived in SH for 20 years. Now I am working a internet company as Chairman’s assistant for 3 years. Most of the time, I assist my boss to arrange his itinerary and help other to solve their problems and follow up their progress or projects.

I graduated from/I’m a graduate of SH Tech. University in 2012. So I have lived in SH for 12 years. Now I am working in an internet company as Chairman’s assistant for 3 years. Most of the time, I assist my boss to arrange/in arranging his itinerary and help other departments solve their problems and follow up on their progress or projects.

My back is become more skinny/thin after do yoga.
My back is becoming more skinny/thin after doing/I do yoga. < more about right now
My back has become skinnier/thinner since I started doing/to do yoga. < more about past improvement

I don’t want to go to work because of raining.
I don’t want to go to work because of the rain./I don’t want to go to work because it’s raining.


How are you feeling today? Often when we ask people that question, they reply ‘not bad’, or ‘could be worse’. But what would make us feel ‘perfect’? Maybe we could live better by being healthier, less stressed, more motivated– but how?

Of course there are many remedies for improving our mental health, but sometimes there are small and simple solutions to help improve our wellbeing. It’s something the BBC TV programme Easy Ways to Live Well has been looking at.  It suggested several ‘health hacks’ which the programme’s presenters tried and gave their ‘seal of approval’. And maybe they could help us too.


leave live

he’s his

eat it

feet fit

bin bean being-> be+ying

word world-> wor+old