VIP Class Notes (Ally)[S]


prestigious: 有威望的; 声誉高的
ie. He is such a prestigious speaker that all the companies invited him to talk to their staff.

instructor: 讲师

atmosphere: 氛围 气氛

implied: 暗示

exclusive: 限定

anything’s fair game:you can do anything, no one’s judging

on high horse: 耀武扬威,目空一切
ie. Rila, get off your high horse and stop judging me!

on moral high grounds: 从道德制高点

current events:实事

conspiracy: 阴谋

conspiracy theory:阴谋论

interest: 利益; 兴趣; 关注;

attentive: adj of attention
ie. My company is attentive to the political relations between China and the US.

policymakers: people who make important decisions

higher-ups/management group/higher management: 高管

doodle: drawing absent-mindedly

absent-minded: 心不在焉

unconsciously: 无意识的



when working with 时态, think about 1)事实:
He was a teacher. – He used to be a teacher, but now he does something else/he doesn’t do anything.
He was a college graduate. – He graduated from college, he passed away.
He has been looking for work. – He started looking for work some time ago, he is still looking.
He had been looking for work. – He started looking some time ago, he stopped because he found work/he doesn’t want to work anymore.
I will (< very specific future tense) go to work on (the coming)Monday. – 下一个周一我将要去上班
I would go to work on Monday, but … – 下一个周一我本将要去上班,但是…
I (would) go to work on (regular, every) Mondays.

– supporting words to help us tell our meaning: still, used to …

2)other time words in the sentence: last week, next year, on Monday, just then, just now, in a few days .. etc.

3) Time of speaking in relation to when the verb happened
ie. For the coming Spring Festival, I will have dinner… I love my family… I loved my friend (I used to love her), but sth happened, and now I dislike her…

I think that’s because she wants (to create/to promote) a certain office atmosphere.

Answer the question based on truth:
ie. So you’re not interested in politics? – No, I’m not. Yes, I am.

such a…(noun) that / so (adj)… that
ie. He is such a prestigious speaker that everyone wants to hear his lecture.
ie. He is so prestigious in the field of economics that everyone wants to hear his lecture.

Speaking exercise

Now I’m more interested in politics because my company is kind of related to the relationship between China and the US.

Now I’m more interested in politics/I follow the news a bit more because my company’s new situation is kind of connected/tied in to the relations between China and the United States (of America)./my company has grown a new interest in the relationship between China and the US.