VIP Class Notes (Ally)


immunity: mian yi li (adj) immune (v) immunized
ie. I am immune to hot guys.

inflame: fa yan

inflammatory: 煽动性
ie. Trump’s inflammatory comments

act up: 运作不正常; 出毛病; (孩子)耍脾气,捣蛋;
ie. She’s acting up again
ie. My computer is acting up

approach: fang shi fang fa

boast: (v)自夸; 自吹自擂
ie. I don’t like boast. -> I don’t like boasting/to boast/people who boast.

guilty: kui jiu
ie. Eating cake is my guilty pleasure.

competitiveness: jing zheng li
ie. core competitiveness


look for / found
ie. I have found a pt job.

Speaking exercise

my eyes look red and …
My eyes were red and it transferred to other parts ….

When my immunity is reduced, my eyes would be inflamed.
Every time my immunity is down, my eyes would act up again.

They can’t improve me.
They can’t make me improve.
I want to improve myself/my english.

One project form, everybody to do it, no responsibility for everybody.
Once we have a project, we always work together on it, and nobody is specifically responsible for a certain thing/job.

She formed a new brand and she wants me to take it.
She formed a new brand and she wants me to handle it/take point on it.

She’s taking point on this project.

I believe that our US boss never thinking of Hermes.
I believe that our US boss would never think of Hermes/never thought of Hermes.

When I talk about her behind her back, I’m very sad and very guilty.