VIP Class Notes (Ally)


tranquil: peaceful/calm

tranquilizer: 镇静剂,止痛药; 增稳装置

infringe: 触犯(法规); 侵犯,侵害(合法权益);

shrine: 圣地; 神龛; 圣祠; 神庙; 具有重要意义的地方;

sensible: 圣地; 神龛; 圣祠; 神庙; 具有重要意义的地方;

dabble (in sth): 涉猎; 玩水

conform (v): 相符合; 顺从,顺应(大多数人或社会); 随潮流;

vice:邪恶; 堕落; (与性或毒品有关的)罪行; 恶行;

superficial: skin-deep

philanthropist: 慈善jia; 博爱; 乐善好施;

harmonica: kou qin

inaction: lack of action

school of thought: different religious teaching/thinking

worship(n and v): 崇拜; (对上帝或神的)崇拜,敬仰,

deity: shen

Speaking exercise

They have power. They need a point.
They have energy, they need a point/somewhere to unleash their energy.

conform to what society tells you.