VIP Class Notes (Ally)

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Edit speaking


intention: 打算; 计划; 意图; 目的

afterwards: 然后


incompetence: shi zhi

accordingly: 照着; 相应地; 因此; 所以;

hang out: gua dian hua

justify: 证明…正确(或正当、有理)

menopause: geng nian qi

cranky: 烦躁



she’s fifty-something = she’s in her fifties

Speaking exercise

My boss tell me “you can go to university with my colleague”
My boss tell me that I can go to the university with my colleague

I’m not sure what I can get in this experience. I didn’t get the point.

Do you know what/how my boss answered./what my boss said to me.

I can go to school and do a part time job at/in the head office at the same time.
I can go to school while doing a part time job at/in the head office at the same time.

My truth is that I want to leave from them.
The truth is that I want to leave this place/here./escape from them./I will be leaving here.

That’s one sentence I’m very uncomfortable.
That’s one sentence I’m very uncomfortable with.

We’re still in corona virus, we cannot go abroad for business.
We’re still effected by the  corona virus, we cannot go abroad for business.

I can understand about her.
I can understand her.

She has been there before.
She has gone to Russia. (still there)

Because we have a team-building event in NJ from the 28th to the 30th.

What is the time of a woman’s menopause?
When does a woman get her menopause?

Q: Last weekend
A: Our overseas distributor came to China. This is the first time they came to China for the corporation. Actually, we had a seminar in SH, we invited them to attend. We stayed in the 5 star resort to exhibition. We showed our instruments to the clients. We showed USP 1 to 7 methods. Our superstar instrument is trans-thermal system, which is the top 1 in the world. Lots of pharmaceutical companies use the system just like Jand J Merk. They researched the skin. If the cream permeation to your skin, they will get the reaction. That’s a very professional research. Our korean distribution, they go to the first in this industry. And we were very successful, and then we finished the show. We went to the restaurant for dinner. We chose the Japanese food, I found Korean people, they’re very like drink wine and they’re very…Because our boss stay in our dinner, so they didn’t drink a lot anymore. When we finished the dinner, we back to the hotel, the Korean people said “we can go to the pub or some place to keep drinking”. Actually our colleague is from US because she’s English is very good so she must to attend it. So we chose the pub, it’s very famous. They ordered beers and my colleague in SH, the guy ordered …I forgot the wine name but it sound like the women name. We laugh at him. During the time, we were talking something. Then I talked with the young guy, he is from Korea. When I didn’t see you, he is an uncle, when I saw the guy, he is the oppa. Maybe he’s very happy. When I saw the menu, I said “tequila”, the oppa ordered a dozen. When oppa drank the tequila, I want to drink one set. I asked the US colleague it’s OK or not. She’s said it’s OK, you can keep ordering.

Suddenly, my boss send wechat to me. “Cindy, tomorrow we have very important thing, you should go home early.” My boss never give me feedback on feedback. I didn’t realize I was wrong. So when I get the message from my boss, I just choose leave. When we finished I go back to our hotel, I sleeped. The next morning, my boss give me… I think she was very upset on her face. She piping me in the room. When we take the elevator, we wanted to go to the restaurant for dinner. She was keep going upset and piping wo. I think that’s very stupid, because I think I’m very diu lian , she also very diu lian.I didn’t say anything. I always keep on my work.


