VIP Class Notes (Ally)


Do some research on possible vacation sites for guo Qing.

Write about top 3? why do you wanna go? what are you gonna do there?


length: chang du

flea market: tiao zao market

backwards: 负着的 倒着的 落后的

of all times: 全部的(normally with “favorite”)

overrated: 被高估的

smug:沾沾自喜的; 自鸣得意的

prominent: important, 重要的; 著名的; 杰出的; 显眼的; 显著的; 突出的; 凸现的;

superficial: 肤浅

pleasant: 好的, 舒服的
ie. Pleasing to the eyes (good looking, make me feel good)

candy: 糖

elaborate: give more details

therapist: 心理医师

spread: separate, san bo(virus)

threshold: 门槛

look up: research

desirable: 向往的; 可取的; 值得拥有的; 值得做的; 引起性欲的; 性感的
ie. desirable number/outcome
ie. desirable woman

eyebrows: mei mao

venomous: you du de

infectious: 能感染的 spreads quickly


“You don’t like HZ?” – “NO, (I don’t)..”

The eyes are the windows to your soul

Speaking exercise

It’s the thing not you expected like they dig them from the European flea market… it’s the thing that looks cheap
The models/goods in the store is not like what you expected, like they were dug from the flea market in Europe,… the things look cheap and man-made.

The things we talk about need to dig deep …
The teacher needs to dig deep when she’s explaining difficult points.
The things we talked about need more explanation. 

You have to keep focused on your heart.
You have to stay true to yourself.

The pose of sit, the pose of staying straight …
the sitting pose

Writing exercise

hind leg
Dog cocked his hind leg to pee behind the tree.
surgery & socket
Lala had a leg surgery because her knee was out of socket sometimes.
Young money in east coast of China is me.
pain tolerant / pain tolerance
The level of my pain tolerance is higher than you.
Do you like the colorful pattern on shoes?
fresh water
Getting fresh water is the important point for human lives.
There are oil under the soil of this areas.
Whisky is a little acidic.
Because the virus, travelling domestically is only way for our hoilday.
The headquarter of converse is in Boston, America.
fast paced
The fast paced, high stressed work is antihuman. It’s not what you expected for life.
process fee & restaurant
They will charge you process fee when you take seafood yourself in restaurant.
take advantage of / make a profile from
Taking advantage of your studies to make money is his conspiracy.
tourist sites
Travelling is not just seeing some famous tourist sites.
Washing your hands before before dinner is good for personal hygiene.
action figure
What a beautiful action figure.
China is the fastest-growing economy in the world.
Globalization process gose step by step.
Mars is another planet except earth.


hind leg
The dog cocked/spread his hind leg to pee behind the tree.
surgery & socket
Lala had a leg surgery because her knee got out of socket sometimes.
I am young money in the east coast of China.
pain tolerant / pain tolerance
The level of my pain tolerance/My threshold for pain is higher than you.
Do you like the colorful pattern on these shoes?
fresh water
Getting fresh water is important/ is a necessity for humans.
There is lots of oil under the soil/ this soil of this area.
Whisky Sour is a little acidic.
Because of the virus, traveling domestically is the only option for our holiday.
The headquarters of converse is in Boston, America.
fast paced
The fast paced, high stressed work is antihuman. It’s not what you expected for life.
process fee & restaurant
They will charge you a processing fee when you bring your own seafood to restaurant.
take advantage of / make a profile from
Taking advantage of your studies to make money is his conspiracy.
tourist sites
Traveling is not just seeing some famous tourist sites.
Washing your hands before dinner is good for personal hygiene.
action figure
What a beautiful action figure.
China is the fastest-growing economy in the world.
Globalization is a step by step process.
Other than/Besides Earth, Mars is another planet in our solar system.