VIP Class Notes (Ally)


outsource: (v) wai bao

discrepancy: 不符合; 不一致

scapegoat: the one who takes the blame

petty: 小的; 琐碎的; 次要的; 小气的; 狭隘的;

infringe: 违背,触犯(法规); 侵犯,侵害(合法权益)

with a straight face: 一脸正经的
ie. How can you say that with a straight face?

carbs: 碳水化物


sarcastic: 讽刺

impulse:冲动 (adj) impulsive

disown: 脱离父子关系

Speaking exercise

I involved two IT guys..
I invited/brought in two IT guys …

they want private message from our side, but it will regards the Chinese rule. From our side, we need the google analysis data….
They want private information from our side, but it will infringe user privacy/against the Chinese govt policy. From our side, we need the google analysis data….

I also have some sports
I also do some exercises

these things/this stuff accounts for 100% of my time