VIP Class Notes (Ally)


slave: nu li

utopia: paradise/heaven

dystopia: 反乌托邦

distraction: (n) gan rao

work force: 劳工,劳动力,劳动大军,工作人员

freelance: 特约的; 自由职业(者)的;

breakdown: beng kui
ie. I’m getting a breakdown./I’m having a mental breakdown.

cuddle up: nian zhe (v)

constipated: bian mi
ie. I had constipation for 2 weeks because I couldn’t get any vege intake.

trend: 趋势; 趋向; 倾向; 动态; 动向;
ie. It’s a trend to eat healthy food./Eating healthier food is becoming a trend.

recognition: 认可
ie. I need a sense of recognition.


“every step counts”

come/go: YOUR direction

Speaking exercise

In my childhood, in SH, the first KFC opened. There is this salad in the KFC, but it disappeared.
In my childhood, in SH, the first KFC opened. There is this salad on the menu, but it disappeared after a while. 

I came to America 4 times in 4 years. /one time every year for 4 years.
I was in / I have been to/ I went to America 4 times in 4 years. /one time every year for 4 years.

I should/I must …
I always buy/get this salad.

I went to Chinatown for getting veges, but it’s too expensive.
I went to Chinatown for veges/to get some veges, but it was too expensive.

I don’t know what can I do.

“You didn’t take a break?”
– “No (I didn’t)”

“Do you mind if I sit here?”
– “yes (I mind)”

Writing exercise

Problems in English reading
The carpet bends and goes down the front staircase and I go with it, one hand on the banister, once a tree, turned in another century, rubbed to a warm gloss.地毯弯曲,在走下楼梯前,我带着它,一只手扶着栏杆,曾经的一棵树,转到另一个世纪,触碰了温暖的光泽。The sentence which is hard to understand includes too many meanings; It’s difficult to understand what the author is going to say after it is translated into Chinese.

The sentence includes too many meanings so it’s hard to understand.
This hard sentence …