VIP Class Notes (Ally)


superior: shang si (adj) gao ji de

subordinate: xiao shu/employee

comfort: an wei

foresee: predict

dedicated: 献身的:专心致志的; 一心一意的; 专用的; 专门用途的

summarize: zong jie


“small talk”

“count on me” = zhi wang wo

“come in handy”

THE problem – the one problem

Speaking exercise

something similar

Today’s phone call, they test my English.
I had an interview this morning by phone. In today’s phone call, they tested my English abilities/how well I can speak English.

Q: What are the greatest achievements/take-aways from your last job?

Q: What would your previous superior/colleagues/team members say about you? (Be specific)
A: My previous boss told me that I’m a reliable person. And she always like to rely on me. Every project gave me I would finished ASAP and she really satisfied with me. So she always very …. So my other colleagues very like to work with me because they think I’m a passionate and patience in work. Always give them a lot of help in our work.
A: My previous boss told me, on many occasions, that I’m a very reliable partner. And she can always count on me to complete  every task she gives me efficiently. Because I take her directions very seriously and I would always understand what she’s thinking/she needs from me, she was always really satisfied with my work. She never has to worry about me. Because I know how busy she must be, I always tries to lighten/share some of her workload, I feel it’s part of my responsibilities. My other colleagues, like my team members, enjoy working with me because they think I’m a passionate and patient leader. I always give them a lot of help in our projects. I always keep an open mind, and accept the difference among their personalities and work styles.

Q: What kind of difficulties do you foresee in this job?
A: Try to understand the brand as soon as possible and manage team members to the right way for our future work. How to balance the awareness and sales performance and how to change the traditional way for the launch campaign. Drive more traffic to the offline store and …
A: Understand the branding in a short time, collaborate with team members in a short time.

A: From my experience, getting to know how our consumers think of the brand- really understanding the brand – is a difficulty. After the COVID 19, everybody changed their lifestyle and the way to spend their money in beauty. So first, try to understand what the consumers really need, and change our traditional PR ways to communicate with them, and choose the right way to influence them.

A: One of the difficulties I can foresee is the special times we’re living in right now. After the COVID 19 global pandemic, everybody changed their lifestyle and the way/how to spend their money in beauty/purchasing habits/buying habits. Their buying habits differ greatly from before, so I think, as PR, it is the most important to keep up with the current market. So first, it’s important to try to understand what the consumers really need, and change our traditional ways of communication, which might have been the best ways before the virus, to make the biggest influence now, under today’s circumstances, and to balance current the local and global culture and market. LIVE STREAM.


still = ill

stew = stu