VIP Class Notes (Ally)


make sentences with the new words

write about a good day and a bad day.


appointment: 约会; 预约; 约定
ie. I want to make an appointment.

happen: fa sheng

event: shi jian/公开活动

concert: yan chang hui

fact: truth

often: jing chang

internet cafe: wang ba

curfew: men jin

strict: yan ge

routine (adj and v) : 常规; 正常顺序, (演出中的)一套动作

shower: 淋浴
ie. There’s a light shower today.

bath: 另外一种

bubble: 泡泡 bubble gum

invite: 邀请 (n) invitation

date: 日期 约会(v and n)

late night: time/ (n)夜宵

ride: cheng zuo / qi
ie. Can you give me a ride?

fine dining: <$1000 food

underage: 未成年


“is not my thing” - 不是我喜欢的

what kind = 什么种类

I like drinking. (alcohol)

for: why you’re doing something

will= going to

afterwards – later

breakfast-brunch-lunch-dinner-late night


put on make up = put on clothes

from … to …

have to = must

– every English sentence/idea, only one verb
– Can S do V? Can V happen to O?
– time and place = extra info
ie. I like play games. -> I like to play games. / I like playing games.

– every event has tense
– FACT has no tense

Speaking exercise

Sometimes, I can go home at 12/midnight.
Sometimes, my curfew is 12.

“What did you do today?”
I got up at 10 o’clock, and I brushed my teeth and washed my hands. I put on my makeup and clothes and I went out. I rode the subway to Jing an si. I meet my aunt to eat brunch at a good /nice restaurant. After brunch/that/afterwards/later, I talked with my aunt. After that, I went to the internet cafe to play PUBG. At 3 o’clock, I came to class.

“What are you going to do today, after class?”
I’m going to coffee shop/Starbucks by myself because I’m waiting for my aunt to get off work.

“What do you (usually) do together?” <– no tense = not event
We usually talk with each other and eat some nice food. /But we sometimes to go for drinks/go drinking.

“How long were you in the internet cafe?”
I played for 3 hours, from two thirty to five thirty.

“Did she call you?”

“Do you have to go back home?” “How would you go back home?”

“what do you think?”

“where do we start?”