VIP Class Notes (Ally)

Today we focused on:


nepotism: 裙带关系; 任人唯亲

judgmental: like to judge others

organize: zheng li

analyze: (v) fen xi (n) analysis

perspective: fang mian

dimensions: wei du / kong jian

multitask: do many things at once

multiple: (n) bei shu (adj) many (not ONE)
ie. I have multiple doubts (questions) about this exam.

clueless: 很愚蠢的; (对某事) 不懂的,无能的
ie. They were clueless about the job.

detox: pai du

bloated: zhang


by 11/ within 11 (includes 11) vs before 11 (deadline =11)

within/ in 4 hours (you have 4 hours to do it)

about = less direct
ie. A story about Judy.

on = more directly related, for topics
ie. A discussion on/about history/ data on your ex

which + sentence = phrase
ie.The car which/that was stolen

I think that …… + explanation

aspect: fang mian
ie. There’re many aspects to …

perspective: point of view (opinion)
ie. From this perspective….

dimension: for data
ie. multi-dimensional data analysts

“judge a book by its cover”

Speaking exercise

come/go to + person = ask for help

I went to join an exam.
I went to take an exam.

There were 5 people ..
There were 5 people at the examination(concept) with me.

Q: Tell me about the 2 idiots on your team
A: When you tell them to finish a table/form, use excel, I think it’s the basic skill/ability. But they don’t know how to do it. I gave them some data about our group and asked them to organize and analyze. When they saw this data, they have no ideas. Because it doesn’t have a standard/there’s no standard, so it’s easy to analyze from all sorts/kinds of aspects. I told them finish it before 11 o’clock, they said OK, and then I told them if they have any questions, they can ask me. But they didn’t say anything. No one finished the work at 11. I asked them and they said …

A: When you tell them to finish a table/form with/using excel, which I think is the basic skill/ability, they don’t know how to do it. I gave them some data on our group and asked them to simply organize and analyze/for simple organization and analysis. When they saw this data, they had no idea/they looked clueless/they gave me blank looks. Because it doesn’t have a standard/there’s no standard, so it’s easy to analyze from all sorts/kinds of aspects. I told them to finish it before/by 11 o’clock, they said OK, and then I told them if they have any questions, they can ask me/they can come to me with any questions/if they have any questions. But they didn’t say anything. No one finished the work at 11. I asked them and they said …

It’s not just stupid, it’s not normal.
The word “stupid” is not enough to describe them/at/in describing them.

