VIP Class Notes (Ally)


sanitary: 卫生的; 环境卫生的; 公共卫生的; 清洁的;

elitist: 精英主义者; 精英论者; 精英

lax: 不严格的; 不严厉的; 马虎的; 松弛的

picturesque: 优美的; 古色古香的; 生动的; 栩栩如生的

lap dog: zou gou, gou tui

“tight spot” : difficult position where you have no good options
ie. You’re putting me in/on a tight spot.

“down the drain”: 白费心机;前功尽弃 = wasted efforts

stifle: (v) e sha (adj) stifling
ie. It’s stifling in the middle of summer.

reality check: (提醒人面对现实而不再想当然的) 现实感检验


until – Up to xxx time
ie. I have to stay here until 12.
before – for negatives
ie. I can’t leave before 12.

Speaking exercise

I was a little bit late from home.
I was a bit late when I left home.
I was a bit late leaving home.

Maybe I’ll come to the hometown to stay with family.
Maybe I’ll go back to my hometown to stay with family.

The destination is quite limited during this month.
Your choices/options of destinations are quite limited…

You cannot go until next year.
You cannot go before next year.
You have to stay in China until next year.

I will tell you another story when I come to your face.
… when I see you/I meet you in person./we talk in person.

If you want to apply for/to/get in to the foreign universities, your grades must be quite high.