VIP Class Notes (Alex) (S-W)


Topic: How would you explain to a foreigner the differences between Shanghainese and Mandarin?

Speaking exercise

topic: do you think local languages or dialects tend to disappear in China? Is this a bad thing?

I think it is a trend in big cities, in Shanghai or Beijing, because more and more people from other cities move to big cities. Not only people from other cities in China but also people from West countries and so I think English and Mandarin are much more popular than before. The kids in school communicated with their teachers and their friends in Mandarin. Even we are local people we get used to communicate in Mandarin because we use Mandarin at work more often. But I think in small cities people stil speak a local language. It’s normal because for example Shanghai is an international city with people from around the world. Language is only a tool for people to communicate. Still some of the people say it is very important to protect the local languages. So there are lessons in kindergarten to teach the children to speak Shanghai dialect.


I think it is a trend in big cities, in Shanghai or Beijing, because more and more people from other cities move to big cities. Not only people from other cities in China but also people from western countries and so I think English and Mandarin are much more popular than before. The kids in school communicate with their teachers and their friends in Mandarin. Even though we are local people we get used to communicate in Mandarin because we use Mandarin at work more often. But I think in small cities people stil speak a local language. It’s inevitable because for example Shanghai is an international city with people from around the world. Language is only a tool for people to communicate. Still some people say it is very important to protect the local languages. So there are lessons in kindergarten to teach the children to speak the Shanghai dialect.


inevitable = something that can’t be avoided
eg. Getting old is inevitable

western = from the West (North America and Europe)
eg. western food, western style


2 forms of conditional

  1. planning

If it’s not too hot tomorrow, I will go to the beach  (present tense + will)

2. imagining

If I were rich, I would buy land  (past tense + would)

some people / some of the people: what’s the difference

1 – some of the people: you need to refer to a bigger, specific group
eg. some of the people I work with are not so professional
eg. some of the people I met at the party were really drunk
eg. some of the people I traveled with last year are from Beijing

same thing for: most of the people / a few of the people / many of the people

2 – some people: you don’t need to refer to a specific group, you refer to people in general
eg. some people
think that money is the most important thing in life
eg. some people
like spicy food but others can’t handle it

same thing for: most people / few people / many people

eg. most people like traveling
eg. few people have a PhD
eg. many people think that China’s economy will go on getting better

even though 

even we are Shanghainese – even though we are Shanghainese

eg. even my mum doesn’t understand me
even though she’s my mum, she cannot understand me

eg. even the boss doesn’t know how to deal with this situation
even though he is the boss, he doesn’t know…

eg. even Beijing, which is not a tropical place, was impacted by the typhoon
even though Beijing is not a tropical place, it was impacted by the typhoon

even if (often used with “still”) 

eg. even if he doesn’t know the answer, he still wants to answer the teacher
eg. even if you don’t like it, you still have to come with me to my hometown
eg. even if you don’t like this client, you still have to take him to K-TV