VIP Class Notes (Alex) [W]


Do some writing and focus on the grammar you learned in class today.

Think of the strategy you would like to implement if you get hired by Sony


impulsive, adj. = when you do something without thinking too much, take rash decisions girls are more impulsive consumers than boys
ex:He went traveling around the world after his degree, that was a very impulsive decision

competitor 竞争对手
ex: the biggest competitor of Sony in China, in the gaming industry, is Tengxun

stressness stress

nervous= the feeling you have when you do a test
e.g. I feel nervous when I need to talk in public

strength, n / strong, adj
e.g. what are your strengths and weaknesses?

challenge, n / challenging, adj
e.g. Working with big clients is challenging

indiscreet = asking personal, inappropriate questions
e.g. I don’t want to be indiscreet but can I ask how much you earn?

obstacle éšœç¢
Women have to face a lot of obstacles to progress in their careers

assess / evaluate 评判
ex: you need to evaluate the products before you place an order.


because I was late yesterday, I missed the movie

Because / the cause + effect

but due to I need 

due to + noun 

due to bad weather

due to your absence

due to this problem

one childrenone child

building sentences:

how many members are there in your team?

what are their appointed tasks?

A lot of games are illegal in China, how do you overcome that obstacle? How do you deal with this situation?

How will you assess / evaluate my performances?

What are the working hours?

Writing exercise

Hi , I’ve received your meeting request,but due to I need to attend another important meeting with finance,Sorry for declining your meeting . I will ask my Colleague to attend instead of me. If you have any other questions, you can contact me freely.


Hi , I’ve received your meeting request,but because I need to attend another important meeting with my colleagues from the finance department,I will not be able to see you. Sorry for declining your request. I will ask my colleague to attend instead of me. If you have any other questions, you can contact me freely.