VIP Class Notes (Aileen)


Have lunch with a foreign colleague and ask him or her to describe to you his or her experience dealing with Chinese patients and foreign patients.


specialty, what you specialize in–you specialize in neurology.

practicing medicine “I have been practicing medicine for 15 years”

comparable “Kahm Per Rah Bowl” two things can be compared to each other

odd bird: a weirdo, a weird person.

CME:  Continuing medical education

nervous system:  what neurology covers

“She’s getting on my nerves”:  She is so annoying

supplement:  fill in what is needed, similar to complement, which means two things enhance each other.

Compliment sounds like complement, but means something nice you say to someone

stigma, a bit taboo, lighter version of taboo

guidance counselor, a person with a psychology degree who works with children at a school.

modern disease-diseases caused by our modern world and habits, like diabetes.

obesity-really really fat.  Medically person is 10 percent over the average weight suitable for their height.

First-world problems. This is a neutral term.  It means problems that cause us stress but are not life-threatening.

humble brag:  saying something that sounds like complaining or negative but actually bragging.

preventative medicine:  example: maybe some stem cell treatment or botox

seasonal affective disorder (SAD): when people get depressed during winter from lack of light and cold weather.

bedside-manner:  how people describe a doctor’s character and warmth.  Good bedside-manner or bad bedside-manner

margin, on the side, not the main thing.  “There are a small margin of people who can overcome type 2 diabetes.

strictly enforced-written in stone, very much like the law.

patient confidentiality (confidential).

d&c =dialation and cuttrage vs abortion.  D&C is because the embryo or fetus will not grow as a baby.   Abortion is because  they embryo or baby is not wanted.

I have some good news and bad news.  Which one do you want to hear first?  Often used when there are both good and bad news.

benign and malignant

hypo vs hyper  hypo means slow or less.  hyper is over and fast.

hypoallergenic-low allergy-causing.  hypoallergenic dogs.  hypoallergenic pillows.

atypical: not typical.

unstable: not stable

BFF: Best Friend Forever, a really good friend.