VIP Class Notes 2H (Nicholas)(S)

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Continue practicing forming complete sentences. Ask Mimi a question — type it — and see if she can formulate a complete sentence based on the verbs in the sentence.


to parent (to teach) / to be a parent (I am a father or mother)

e.g. I am a parent. I am a father.

e.g I am a father so I should parent my child.

e.g. Sometimes I see a little boy screaming in the mall and I wonder “who is parenting this child?”

the mother and father’s education method / their parenting style

e.g. Sometimes mothers and fathers disagree on if they should hit their child. Father says yes. Mother says no. They have a different parenting style.

they don’t grow up together / the grow apart

investors / 投资者

e.g. The investors of Amazon are afraid that his divorce will hurt the company.

suspend / to stop / to ban 取缔

e.g. You must suspend this behavior at once. Right now!

e.g. My son behaved very badly at school — he was suspended.

to lie 撒谎

e.g. Some people on Amazon are lying when they talk about the products. They never bought them!

fake 假

e.g. Some of the review on Amazon are fake — they aren’t real. Maybe someone paid money to write them.

artificial 人造

e.g. The girl swam in the ocean and her arm was bitten by a shark (鲨鱼), now she has no arm. But she is very happy now because the doctor gave her an artificial arm.

e.g. On Amazon some business people will buy their own product so it looks like many people are begin the product — so this must be a popular product! — This is an artificial sale. Not a true sale.

to bribe / bribes/ 贿赂

e.g. Nicholas tried to bribe Mimi so she would tell Jesse that he is a great teacher! She would not accept the bribe!

e.g. In China, if a government official is caught accept a bribe, he could go to jail!

best seller / 畅销书 / this is the product that most people buy / it’s the most popular product / the most popular items


adjust / to change

e.g. Apple adjusted their price for the iPhone in overseas markets.

e.g. We all must adjust our lives sometimes.

“dipped” / dropped

e.g. The iPhone sales dipped in 2018 so Apple did not make a lot of money.

“the move” / the decision / a “turn” or it’s your time to make a decision

e.g. Apple’s move to lower iPhone costs overseas is a good move!

e.g. My wife was beautiful so I married her. Good move!

e.g. Mimi and me are playing chess….it’s her move now, I am waiting.

e.g. The USA and China are having a trade war…USA raised tariffs by 10%, now it’s China’s move.

to attempt / to try

e.g. “I don’t know how to swim!” “Just give it an attempt!”

e.g. I attempted to speak Chinese — but I failed!

view / to see

e.g. I’m looking at the sunset, it’s such a beautiful view.

review / re+view / re+to see / to see again

e.g. Today we will review your notes from last class.

e.g. Mimi did you review the business plan that Eric Qiao left on your desk

re + word / do this thing again

e.g. review, return, reset, revisit

e.g. I revisited my grandma in SH. This is my 2nd time this year.

stable / 稳定

e.g. The situation at our business is very stable — sales are up, we are hiring new people, we will not go out of / close our business anytime soon.

e.g. Oh I heard your grandmother is very sick. Is she OK? Yes her heath is stable now.

unstable / it’s weak, easily broken, not strong

e.g UN + STABLE / the opposite of stable /

un + word / the opposite of the word

e.g. unstable, unmarried, unhappy, unsuccessful


e.g. I see the birds.

e.g. I didn’t come to work because I was too tired. “Oh, I see.” / OK thank you for telling me, now I understand.

e.g. I didn’t come to work because I was too tired. “I know.” / You don’t have to tell me , I already knew this.

e.g. I asked her on a date because she was so beautiful. / I see! / Oh, OK interesting, so that’s why you did that!

e.g. I asked her on a date because she was so beautiful. / I know! / Yeah, this is obvious, I already know you think she is beautiful and I know this why you asked her on a date.

“if they divorce, she will become the richest woman in the world…”

“they were together since high school”

many mother like to teach their children / many mothers/parents like to teach their children

They don’t have the same value chain. / They don’t have the same values.

Speaking exercise

What are the reasons for people to get a divorce in Shanghai?

e.g. I think for money or child. 

e.g. I think the reasons people get divorced are usually money or children.

In Shanghai, do people usually get divorced?

e.g. More and more.

e.g. People in Shanghai are getting divorced more and more.


Do you have friends who are divorced? Are most of your friends who got married…are they still married?

e.g. Yes, I have many friends who are divorced. / GOOD!

e.g. I have many friends who got married — about half of them are married and half of them are divorced.

What is a good reason to get a divorce? (This is your opinion…**should**)

e.g. …cannot live together.

e.g. …because they cannot live together.

e.g. I think a good reason to get a divorce is if they cannot live together.

e.g. You should get a divorce if you cannot live together with your husband/wife.

In your opinion, should parents hit their children?

e.g. I don’t think so because we can teach them in soft skill.

e.g. I don’t think so because it’s better to teach them through soft skills.

What is an appropriate age for children to have a boyfriend or girlfriend?

e.g  20 years old

e.g. I think 20 years old to have boyfriend or girlfriend.

e.g. I think 20 years old is an appropriate age for children to have a BF/GF.



Why did Apple cut the prices on iPhones in China?

— who is the subject? / Apple

— what are the verbs? / cut

— who or what was cut? / prices

— where were the prices cut? / in China

e.g. SUBJECT + VERB + ….

e.g. Apple cut the prices on iPhones in China because…the prices are too expensive and also the American dollar is getting stronger.

Why are Amazon investors worried about Jeff Bezos’ divorce?

— subject / Amazon investors

— verbs / worried, are (to be)

— object / receives the verb / about Jeff Bezo’s divorce

e.g. Amazon investors are worried about Jeff Bezos’ divorce because…

Why did Amazon suspend the man’s sales account?

e.g. Amazon suspended the man’s sales account because…