Profile Update Class (Tony) [S]

Your profile has been updated!

Next update January 2019

Previous Level

Listening: 3.25
Speaking: 2.75
Reading: 2.5
Writing: 3


New levels

Listening: 3.5
Speaking: 3
Reading: 2.75
Writing: 3.25

Changes to profile:
Top left icon: Play
Top middle icon:
Exercise Based: Speaking
Top right icon: Prepare a speaking Outline

Old writing / speaking correction

Comments / Other notes:


buy a snack

admin – short for administration, which means the activities that relate to running a company, school, or other organization

eg: I am responsible for some admin work.

contributor – a person who gives something or helps in some way

eg: He is a key contributor at our meetings. He always has some good ideas.

motor oil – the black oil you use to protect your engine, keep it lubricated

eg: Oil decreases the friction.



adj. + N

eg: He is a fluent Japanese speaker.

eg: Can he speak fluent Russian?

Be + Adj.

eg: Is he fluent in Japanese?

Speaking exercise

I think children’s education is really important it will help them to make good basically condition. Some guys told to me, you need to give Children’s good childhood, you don’t give them more pressure, because they are just a kid. I think knowledge is a key to open different gate in the future.

I think children’s education is really important. It will help them to make a good basic foundation. Some people told to me, you need to give Children a good childhood, you shouldn’t give them too much pressure, because they are just kids. I think knowledge is a key to open different gates in the future.