Profile Update Class (Tony)

Your profile has been updated!

Next update October 2018

Previous Level

Listening: 1.75
Speaking: 1.25
Reading: 1.5
Writing: 1.5
1 year

New levels

Listening: 2
Speaking: 1.5
Reading: 2
Writing: 1.75

Old writing / speaking correction

I signed up for the title examination yesterday.The first step is to sign up online confirm the information and print the form. The second step is to examine the documents at the scene.
But I almost missed the last minute, so I went to the scene yesterday morning and there was a misprint of a file, but fortunately I had a backup file.
Finally I signed up successfully and although I missed the meeting, it was one of the most important things I had to do this year.

I signed up for the title examination yesterday. The first step is to sign up online, confirm the information and print the form. The second step is to examine the documents at the place / location / at their office.
But I arrived at the last minute / I was almost late, so I went to the place yesterday morning and there was a misprint on / in one of the files, but fortunately I had a backup file.
Finally I signed up successfully and although I missed a meeting / one of my meetings, it was one of the most important things I had to do this year.


Comments / Other notes:

dual – two at the same time, working together

eg: I read some dual language news.It had English and Chinese translations.

Karate – Japanese

Tae Kwan do – Korean

Kung Fu – Chinese

Jiu Jit Su – Brazilian, From Brazil. Wrestling fighting sport.

a little few months (Usually Few is for numbers)

a little cat (Usually Little is for Things)

Let me have a think / Let me think about it.

Speaking exercise

I like every sweet food. And I favorite like cheescake, every time when my friend or my husband go to different city, will buy cake for me. I just want to try it. And tell my friend about the cake taste. sometimes I want cooking cake for my family or my friends. Maybe in the weekend if I have time I will try. Sometime I will success. Or fail.

I like every kind of sweet food. And my favorite is cheesecake. Every time when my friend or my husband goes to a different city, they will buy cake for me. I just want to try it and tell my friend about the cake and how it tastes. Sometimes I want to cook cake for my family or my friends. Maybe in the weekend if I have time I will try. Sometimes I will succeed, sometimes I will fail.


He goes

She Goes

It goes

I go

They go