Profile Update Class (Nick)

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Next update August 2019

Previous Levels

Listening: 2.5
Speaking: 1.5
Pronunciation: 2.25
Writing: 2.25
Feb '19: 8.5

New levels

Listening: 3
Speaking: 2.25
Pronunciation: 2.75
Writing: 2.5

Changes to profile:
Topics: Primary School Teaching Topics
Teaching method + (Focus):
Speaking (Vocabulary)
Homework type + (Focus): Writing (Vocabulary and Grammar)

Class Notes from today:


Why is it more difficult to go to a good public school if you try to go to private school first? This seems harsh…


School District – the area where you live that determines which public school your kids will go to
e.g. Our school district is not very good, so I’m not sure if I want my daughter to go there.

Pattern / Sequence – things that follow each other by a rule
e.g. 1 2 3 4 5 . . .
e.g. 2 4 6 8 10 . . .
e.g. 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 . . .

Elementary/Primary School – 小学
Middle School / Junior High – 初中
High School – 高中

Upload – 上传
e.g. Parents upload videos of completed homework to the class WeChat group.

Chinese counting vs. English counting
English has three basic units: ones, tens, hundreds
Chinese has four basic units: 个,十,百,千
These combine to form larger numbers:
1,000 – one thousand
10,000 – ten thousand
100,000 – (one) hundred thousand
1,000,000 – million
1,0000 – 一万 = ten thousand
10,0000 – 十万 = hundred thousand
100,0000 – 百万 = million
1000,0000 – 千万 = ten million

Bribe – when you pay money to get something you shouldn’t be able to get (bribery – pay bribes)
e.g. If your child has not studied enough, you can pay a bribe of two-hundred thousand yuan to get an easier admissions test.

Admit – to let someone into a school
e.g. If you pay a large enough bribe, you can get admitted to a school without even taking the test.

高考 – University Entrance Exam

Feared – something that is scary, that makes you afraid
e.g. The University Entrance Exam is the most feared exam in China (probably in the world).

ACT / SAT – the two main university entrance exams

Graduate – 毕业

Skip Class – to not go to a class you are supposed to go to 翘课
e.g. My friend regularly skipped class, but she still graduated.

Harsh – mean or difficult 苛刻


You can look some numbers – look at
— If you want to tell someone “what” they should be looking at, you need to connect “look” and the object with “at”
e.g. Look at me
e.g. Look at that car

They will prepare the test – prepare for the test
— “Prepare a test” means that you are making, writing the test
— “Prepare for a test” means that you will take the test


Truth – truth
— For “th,” make sure to put your tongue between your teeth
— This “th” is unvoiced (don’t make any sound when you say it)