Profile Update Class (Nick)

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Next update September 2019

Previous Levels

Listening: 2.25
Speaking: 1.5
Pronunciation: 2.75
Writing: 1.75
Mar '19: 8.25

New levels

Listening: 3
Speaking: 2.25
Pronunciation: 3
Writing: 2.5

Changes to profile:
Topics: Hobbies + Books
Teaching method + (Focus):
Speaking (Fluency)
Homework type + (Focus): Writing Homework (Grammar)
Gao Yan can now make basic sentences, including using conjunctions to connect these sentences, and she is now ready to work on building more complex sentences using “that, who, which,” etc. In general, avoid small talk about daily life. Try to find topics that require some thought.
Project Budgeting with an Advertising Company

Class Notes from today:


From last class:

How were your father and grandfather different? Do you have any fears? Why do you fear your father?


Philosophy – what is there? what can we know? why should we be good? 哲学
Psychology – how people think and how the brain works 心理学
Politician – someone who works in the government to develop policy and talk to the people 政客

Biography – when someone writes about another person’s life
Autobiography – when someone writes about their own life
e.g. I just finished a wonderful biography of the US general and President Ulysses S. Grant.

Nobility – a social class that is higher because the king/emperor/etc. has given this title to the family

Upper Class – people who have a higher social status because of money, fame, titles

Fame – when lots of people know who you are
e.g. Journey to the West is a very famous story.

See – being able to use your eyes; standing in a place where you can find something with your eyes; 看过
e.g. I cannot see the color red. I am colorblind.
e.g. From here we can see Jing’an Temple.
e.g. I have already seen this movie.
Look – when you move your eyes towards something
e.g. Look! Over there! Can you see that bird?
Watch – to look at something for a long time
e.g. Every year we watched Journey to the West.

Monk – someone, usually a Buddhist or Daoist, who studies and tries to live a good life following their religious teachings
Religion – belief in god(s)
e.g. Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Daoism, Hinduism, etc.

Desert – a dry place where it is very difficult for things to grow
Dessert – something, usually sweet, that you eat after dinner


I write in Chinese first and translate in English – I wrote it Chinese first and translated it (in)to English

We looked this TV series every year – watched


Desert vs. Dessertde – zert vs. de – zert