Profile Update Class (Jesse) [S]

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Next update August 2019

Previous Levels

Listening: 3
Speaking: 2.25
Pronunciation: 2.5
Writing: 2.5

New levels

Listening: 3.5
Speaking: 2.75
Pronunciation: 3.0
Writing: 3.5

12.75 – starting to work using English

Changes to profile:
Topics: All Topics
Teaching method + (Focus): Same

Homework type + (Focus): Watch / Read (TED / News) to discuss in class

Class Notes from today:


lingerie – “long jer ray” 


girl-power / women’s empowerment

signal – xin hao

inspired (v / adj) / inspiration (n)
eg. It was inspired by ….
eg2. he’s an inspiration to many people

abroad / overseas – to another country
eg. I will go abroad / I will go to another country

from my experience / as far as I know / from what I know – things you’ve learned / done


we talked each other we talked with / to each other 

Speaking exercise

not corrected

i had a trip in the last spring festival. my family went to taiwan for a 10 days trip in the last spring festival. first we went to taipei and then we went to ….. after that we went to taizhong and tainan and then we went to gaoxiong and lastly we went to kending, the most southern part of taiwan, and I think the most interesting / impressive place is tainan. It’s a oldest city in taiwan’s history and it has its specific culture during the spring festival. The person of the temple will travel around the city with the festival dress and they danced and singing in the street and also they will send the food they prepared for the god maybe and also send the food to the people who through the street.