Profile Update Class (Jesse)

Your profile has been updated!

Next update March 2020

Previous Levels

Listening: 3.25
Speaking: 1.75
Pronunciation: 2.25
Writing: 2.25

New levels

Listening: 3.5
Speaking: 2.25
Pronunciation: 3.0
Writing: 2.75

Changes to profile:
Topics: same
Teaching method + (Focus): remove pronunciation, 

Homework type + (Focus): watch YT / TED to practice listening 

Writing exercise

Our budget for company was 100K in 2019,at the end of 2019 we realized we spend 120K in company. We over estimated the company budget.
I thought my daughter couldn’t understand the science lesson,but ,the actual was she could understand it. I under evaluated her ability.

Our budget for my / the company was 100K in 2019,at the end of 2019 we realized we spent 120K in the company, so that means we under-estimated the company budget / our spending.
I thought my daughter couldn’t understand the science lesson, but, the actuality / the reality was / but in reality she could understand it. I under evaluated / estimated her ability.


“don’t underestimate me”

1 wan – “jia yi ge ling” – 10 thousand
10 wan – 100 thousand
NEW one! (million)
100 wan – 1 million

k = kilo = 1000
kilogram = 1000 grams

admire – think sth is good, maybe want to be like that
eg. I admire doctors
admire – the action of looking at sth and thinking it’s good
eg. I stood on the bridge and admired the view

optimistic = a positive attitude / personality
pessimistic = a negative attitude / personality

get better soon / feel better / I hope you feel better soon / get some rest 

bless you are you OK? 

guesthouse – like a hotel in Japan

dress professionally – to wear professional clothes

most of time I am play with my daughter and spend so many timesI spend a lot of time to play with my daughter / most of the time I play with my daughter and spend a long time.