Profile Update Class (Jesse)

Your profile has been updated!

Next update February 2020

Previous Levels

Listening: 3.75
Speaking: 2.75
Reading: 2.25
Writing: 3.25

New levels

Listening: 4.0
Speaking: 3.25
Pronunciation: 3.0
Writing: 3.75

Changes to profile:
Topics: same
Teaching method + (Focus): Reading (Vocabulary + Pronunciation AEIOU + connecting) + Conversation (Vocabulary + Self Correction)  

Homework type + (Focus): same 

Class Notes from today:


I have much money

How much money do you have? I have much money / I have a lot of money / I have so much money
How many friends do you have? I have many friends / I have so many friends

haven’t – I haven’t any money / I don’t have any money

stress (n) / stressful (adj) / stressed (adj)


i have an eraser

consonant + vowel = connect
vowel + vowel = connect + y / w

name = nayyyym
game = gayyyyym
plane = playyyyn