Profile Update Class (Jesse)

Your profile has been updated!

Next update September 2019

New levels

Listening: 2.5
Speaking: 2.25
Pronunciation: 1.75
Writing: 2.25


Changes to profile:
Topics: Simple life + work topics
Teaching method + (Focus): Reading (Pronunciation + Vocabulary) / Speaking Exercises (Grammar + Vocabulary) 

Homework type + (Focus): Writing / Reading (Pronunciation + Vocabulary) 

Class Notes from today:




separated / broke up – fen shou
eg. my parents broke up when I was 19

divorce – li hun
eg. they got divorced when I was 19

get married < > get divorced 

when I grew up / after i grew up

kid / child < > adult 

subtitles – zi mu
eg. I always read the subtitles when I watch TV shows in English

almost chinese girls 

it is almost empty
the cup is almost empty
almost all Chinese girls

most = almost all
eg. most Chinese girls

most of the time / almost all the time / mostly 

it is 2:52 = it is almost 3PM


Tracy looked at the flag. The flag is red, white, and blue. It has 50 white stars. The white stars are on a blue square. The flag has six white stripes. It has seven red stripes. All the stripes are horizontal. They are not vertical. The stripes do not go up and down. They go from left to right. Tracy loves her flag. It is the flag of her country. It is a pretty flag. No other flag has 50 stars. No other flag has 13 stripes.

Focus on the black words for pronunciation next class