Open + Review Class (Lily) [R/S]


Quick Clifford 


quilt: blanket for bed

ex: My rabbits sits on the quilt.

quit: to stop

ex: Spanish is easy for me, so I will not quit.

vet: animal doctor

ex: My brother’s dog got hurt and the dog went to see the vet.

crackers: small cookies

ex: My duck is hungry, so I will give it some crackers.

Speaking exercise

Yesterday it’s my brother’s birthday, my brother is 14. . Today when i finish this class, I will go to the house of my grandmother and my grandfather. They will give him a present, it is a cake. I have give him two cakes. one is I made, and one is my mom made. Yesterday, we go to the park to play with my brother, my mother and my friends and my brother’s friends. I was not tired. There was a little bit rain, but I’m still happy. I drink coca-cola with my brother.

Today I get up at 7, because i have math class in 8. My math is no fun, I think it is very boring and hard. I went to the Spanish class. Spanish class is fun, because it is very easy. I can’t have class with other because level is not the same. Before Spanish class, I have lunch, and then I come here.


Yesterday it was my brother’s birthday, he just turned 14. Today when i finish this class, I will go to the my grandmother and my grandfather’s house. They will give him a present, it will be a cake. I gave him two cakes: I made one and my mom made one. Yesterday, we went to the park to play with my brother, my mother, my friends and my brother’s friends. I was not tired. There was a little bit of rain, but I was still happy. I drank coca-cola with my brother. 

Today I got up at 7, because i had math class at 8. My math class was no fun, I think it was very boring and hard. Afterwards, I went to the Spanish class. Spanish class was fun, because it was very easy. I can’t have class with other students because our levels are different. Before Spanish class, I had lunch. Finally, I came to English class.Â