Open F2F Class Notes 18th February (Tony)


get your opinion

go shopping with him

which one suits him

he can’t decide (present)

he couldn’t decide (past)

I don’t really like watches

indecisive – can not decide easily

eg: “I am very indecisive about food.”

status symbol – something that shows what level you are in society

eg: “In fact he doesn’t even like wearing a watch, he just uses it as a status symbol.”

ruin – to make it not as good as it was before, or useless

Writing exercise

Original –

Watch have been used to judge a person of status symbol. Although watches don’t have a lot of functions,even time problem was instead of for digital product, but most man have a famous brand watch. This standard of identify always mentioned with my friends or colleagues. I heard a story a few years ago: my friend had a travel in Macao. One day, when he played into the gambling house, he looked a old man who wore very simple, but he looked he wore a very famous and expensive. The brand maybe is “Audemars piguet”. We have a folk adage in China: “you can’t use appenance to judge the level of people”.

Correction –

Watches have been used to judge a person’s status. Although watches don’t have a lot of functions, even time problems can be solved by digital products, but most men have a brand name watch. This standard of identifying is always mentioned by my friends or colleagues. I heard a story a few years ago: my friend took a trip to Macao. One day, when he was gambling at a casino, he looked at an old man who wore very simple clothes, but it looked like he wore a very famous and expensive watch. The brand is maybe “Audemars piguet.” We have a folk adage in China: “you can’t use appearance to judge the level of a person“.

You can’t judge a book by it’s cover. Maybe he’s rich.